Is a Graph Bipartite? Coding Question
A question you may be asked when it comes to graph-theory related problems is if we can create two subgroups with each group-member having a relationship only with elements in the opposite group.
For example, we may be asked to create two teams such that each team-member likes their teammates and any rivals they have are on he other team.
When we are given such problems, it can be thought of as a bipartite graph problem.
Definition and Examples:
A graph is bipartite if it can be split into two sets such that the following rule applies:
- For each pair of vertices, (u, v), u and v must not exist in the same set if they are adjacent (there exists an edge connecting u and v).
If we were to draw out the two sets (let’s call them set RED and set BLUE), it would look like the following:
To figure out if a graph is bipartite, we need to write an algorithm that separates the vertices into two sets. Luckily, this problem can be solved by reducing it to another problem.
Graph Coloring
Graph coloring is the problem of trying to find a way to color the vertices of a graph using k colors such that no two adjacent vertices are the same color.
If we want to create two sets out of the graph’s vertices such that no two adjacent vertices are in the same set, we can rethink this problem in the following way:
- Can we color our graph with just two colors.
Let’s look at the following two examples:
Example 1:
Example 2:
Now, let’s look at a graph that is not bipartite.
Now that we have reduced and changed the way we are thinking of this problem, we can easily think up an algorithm. A way to test if a graph is k-colorable (can be colored with k different colors) is to run a Breadth-First Search (BFS).
In our BFS, we will be coloring the graph red or blue. Give our current node a color, and check if the adjacent nodes are the same color. If they have the same color, the graph is not bipartite. Otherwise, give them the alternate color (if they are not colored already) and add them to the queue. If we can color all nodes, our graph is bipartite.
The Code
First, let’s begin by initializing our variables and data-structures we will use.
graph = [adjacency list of vertices]
n = number of verticescolors = [a list of n vertices denoting the color of each]
red, blue = the colors we will be usingqueue = queue data structure
Now, onto the Breadth-First Search.
for (vertex) in range(n):
if (colors[vertex] is red or blue):
continue queue.enqueue(vertex)
colors[vertex] = red while (queue is not empty):
current = queue.dequeue()
for (neighbor) in graph[current]:
if (neighbor is same color as current):
return false
else if (neighbor is not colored):
if (current is red):
colors[neighbor] = blue
colors[neighbor] = red
queue.enqueue(neighbor)return true
And that’s the whole algorithm. We go through each node because the graph may not be strongly connected and thus, we need to check if each component is 2-colorable. If we have not visited the current node (not colored), we color it and begin a BFS from that node. If at any point two adjacent nodes are the same color, the graph cannot be bipartite. Otherwise, we color with the alternative color and continue the algorithm. If we reach the end, we know the graph is bipartite.
Real Code:
In Java, the above psuedocode would look like the following:
Time and Space Complexities:
Time Complexity:
O(V + E), where V is the number of vertices and E is the number of edges.
We go through each possible node once as we color and add it to the queue. However, we do not re-add the nodes to the queue once they have been processed so we can say we check V vertices. For every node added to the queue, we check each possible edge between it and a neighboring vertex. This results in us checking E edges.
Space Complexity:
O(V), where V is the number of vertices
For our algorithm, we use space for our colors array and queue. Our colors arrays if of size V, and our queue has at most V-1 vertices enqueued at the same time (Current node is adjacent to every other vertex, so the rest of the vertices are enqueued at this point).
With this article, you hopefully gained a useful addition to your algorithms tool-belt and can now use this in solving certain programming questions.